Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weekly List

I am a lover of lists.  I keep lists at work, lists at home, lists for future projects, lists for people to pray for, lists of favorite Bible verses, lists of books I need to read, movies I need to see, songs I need to download....

I also love the end-of-year lists that come out at at the close of every year -- Top 10 movies of 2009, top 10 most embarrassing TV moments, Top 10 sports plays of the year.

And I realized that MANY of my blog entries are lists -- things I'm thankful for, things I try to do for the environment, things I bought, ways I'm losing it.

I think lists are my attempt to have some organization to the spaghetti noodles of my brain. 

So I decided that every week I am going to blog about any random list that is in my brain. I have no idea if I will be successful at doing this more than today -- but maybe I will surprise myself!

Here is this week's featured list --

5 Things Chalrie (the dog) ate in the last Month

  1. Lindor Chocolates -- I bought Lindor chocolates to put in the kids' stockings and I hid them on the floor of my closet.  Charlie sniffed them out...mananged to tear open the package and eat 10 chocolates before we found him.  We know it was 10 because somehow he managed to unwrap them -- Cal said "It's like he has opposable thumbs."
  2. Taryn's Gingerbread House -- Don't ask me how he did it --We placed the house in the middle of the dinning room table, but he still managed to get a corner and yank it down and start feasting.
  3. Computer Cartridge Box -- In his defense, we left him alone from 3pm to 8pm and held off feeding him.  Poor thing was hungry. The only thing he could reach while we were gone was a Wal-Mart bag on the table -- He attempted to attack the shaving cream that was in there, but settled for a box.  We found the computer cartridge in his bed -- but the box it came in was nowhere to be found.  I figure he ate the whole thing.
  4. A roll of Toilet Paper -- This is not unusual.  Toilet paper does seem to be Charlie's delicacy of choice.  I have picked up more TP poop in my yard than you can imagine!  Usually we catch him in the act because he pulls a long strand from the bathroom to his doggie bed.  So every time we leave the house we are sure to shut our bathroom door.  However, the one time we forget-- the entire roll was pretty much gone.
  5. Steak Bones -- Again -- had we shut the pantry door where our garbage is stored when we left the house we could have avoided this issue.  Unfortuneately, we came home to the garbage tipped over and spread across the kitchen floor.  Not surprisingly -- the steakbones we had thrown away after supper were missing.
How his digestive system manages to process these items is a mystery to me, but he doesn't seem to learn.

And how can I stay mad with a face like that!

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