Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It happened again!

I really didn't realize at the start of this school year just how many times I would be struck by the feeling of "I will never experience that again with my kids."  It's usually just a fleeting instant, a passing thought that makes me melancholy for a moment.

This past week it happened at swimming lessons. 

Taryn has now graduated to the school-aged section of swimming lessons.  She is no longer in the shallow waters of the pool where mom could reach and rescue her in a moments notice.  She is big and hanging onto the side of the pool in the deep end.

I seriously feel like I should still be controlling a curious toddler on the side of the pool who wants to join big sis or bro in the water.  But in reality, I'm a mother of school-aged kids.  I'm that mom who can sit quietly by the side of the pool and read her book!

O.K.  I get it. I think that look says "I have it under control mom!  I'm a big girl!"

Well good.  My moment of melancholy passed.  Aided quickly by the 3-year-old girl who screamed her bloody head off calling for her mama the entire 1/2 hour lesson!  I've been there before...wanting to give in and grab your crying baby while at the same time, not wanting to lose the power struggle, not fun!  But now it wasn't my struggle.  My only challenge was tuning out the shrieking while I tried to read my book.

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