Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Top 10 Signs I have too much on my mind OR I am seriously LOSING IT!

1.  Two separate times this week I needed to go to the post office to mail a package.  BOTH times I arrived at the counter, asked for a priority mail box and then had to admit that I had no idea what the address was for where  I was sending the package.   I had to get out of line -- call someone to find the address and then try again.

2.  I went to the grocery store to buy cottage cheese because I was actually going to cook and make Lasagna for dinner.  I became very distracted thinking about everything else I needed, including special snacks I wanted to make for our trip this weekend, and left the store without...Cottage Cheese!  We ended up eating Spaghetti O's and left overs.

3.  I brought Carter to basketball practice this week and decided to stay and watch him practice.  I told a friend that she didn't need to come back to pick up her son because I was staying and would be happy to bring him home.  You guessed it -- as we pulled onto our street I did a sudden gasp and Carter freaked "What's wrong?"..."We forgot Collin!!"  I quickly turn around -- call my friend and tell her "I am so sorry.  I didn't completely forget your son, I just a little bit forgot him, but I am on my way back to get him."  She said that the coach had just called wondering what was up.

4.  I had to pick  up Paige from church tonight and on my way there I all of a sudden snap out of it and realize that I am sitting at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green!!!

5.  I dialed my husband, Cal's, phone number and when he answers I say, "Hi Mark, this is Jen".  I totally intended to dial my co-worker, Mark.  Good thing Cal knows Mark.  And he is completely aware that I am losing it.

6.  I have 10 missed calls on my cell phone from my home phone because it is the only way I can find where I last misplaced it!

7.  We are leaving tomorrow for the weekend and I just now realized I have no idea what I am going to do with my dog.

8.  I sent an e-mail to a co-worker whose name is Michelle and started it out "Hi Trudi".  She e-mailed back "LOL.  You just called me Trudi." 

9.  I left work and couldn't find my car.  I re-traced all my steps and remembered thinking that it would be better parking in the back lot than the front lot because of the traffic -- so I was moments away from calling the police to report a stolen vehicle when I decided I might as well check the front lot, just in case, although I knew I had thought through parking in the back. Turns out that was actually my thought process from the day before.  My car was in the front.

10.  I know there was something else I forgot this week.  But I forgot what it was.

Thank goodness those who love me, bear with me!  I truly am out of control.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word....I am TOTALLY cracking up right now! You make me laugh...tears are streaming down my face...I KNOW why I love you so much! You brighten my whole world!!! Love and miss you so much!!
