Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

From Our Family to Yours

Yes -- this Christmas season we are standing outside without coats and no snow. Not exactly a winter wonderland, but the tree is lit, the cookies are baked, the stockings are hung, and our hearts are warm as we celebrate the birth of our savior!

2011 was a year of milestones in the DeJong household.

Cal and Jen both turned 40 and celebrated 20 years of marriage which equaled a great trip to Mexico!

Sadly, we took no pictures together to commemorate the event.

Paige became a teenager and got her braces off!

Carter grew his hair out and caught plenty of fish in dad's new boat


Taryn lost all her teeth and saw Taylor Swift in Concert!

May your days be Merry and Bright this Christmas Season!

God Bless You!

Cal, Jen, Paige, Carter and Taryn

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Teacher's Kid

Last night my teenage daughter and I were having a light-hearted conversation about middle school "crushes"...crushes on famous boys, older boys, etc.  ( I must admit that after seeing the Justin Bieber movie earlier this year...I was even crushing on JB a a motherly way :))

The conversation took me back to those years in my life -- and my own first "crushes".  I had a thing for the actor, Andrew McCarthy.  I don't know why except that the movie "Pretty in Pink" did me in. He was just so sweet and willing to cross over to the "other side" of the tracks for Molly Ringwold who seriously made the ugliest prom dress ever.  Oh, to have a guy so crazy for you like that and to look at you with those eyes.  Pitter patter went my heart.

And then I remembered my innocent crush on some high school boy when I was probably in the 4th grade, and that took me back to a whole set of  memories about being a teacher's kid.

You see, as the daughter of a High School English teacher, every day after school, I would walk across the street from the elementary school to the high school and wait for my dad to finish up whatever he was doing.  So most of my afternoons were spent sitting in the hallway of the high school outside of the teacher's lounge under the drinking fountain.  I would just watch the students and dream about the day I would be that cool.  And there was this one boy -- I don't even remember his name...maybe Baker...who I had a secret crush on.  He was so cute with his feathered blond hair and tight bell bottom jeans.  He was a basketball star, and, of course, he had a beautiful girlfriend.  I remember sitting in the hallway one afternoon watching him and his girlfriend flirt and suddenly becoming aware of the fact that I must look like a dorky little kid to them.  Here I was sitting under the drinking fountain in my steamed-up, crooked glasses with bi-focals, all bundled up for winter in my snowpants and boots, waiting for my daddy.  I never wore my snowpants and boots after school again.

That memory led me to many other vivid scenes of waiting for my dad.  Sometimes I would join the teachers in their classic 1970's teacher's lounge with it's brown formica topped conference table and orange wing-back swivel chairs and listen to their conversations. But it was crowded in there and the smell of cigarette and pipe smoke mixed with burnt coffee wasn't so pleasing.  I remember most of the teachers by name because they were still around when I became a highschool student, but there is one young lady teacher, who I can't really place, perhaps she taught home-ec which was no longer available when I got there, but I do remember thinking she was beautiful with hair that curled perfectly away from her face.  She could somehow button her trench coat with a single hand which I never could figure out.  I practiced doing that for years without success.

Other days I would follow my dad into the mimeograph room and watch him copy off tests on those huge machines pumping out purple ink..I can still remember the smell.  Or I would hang out in his classroom and draw on the chalk board with real chalk...complete with white dust covering everything.

I don't think I enjoyed waiting around after school, but when I think back to those times what I remember most is feeling proud of my dad.  I liked that he was a teacher and I liked how the students looked up to him.

Well...there's my trip down memory lane.  Odd random memories clear as can be.  Last night I lay awake thinking about them and started wondering if there is a sitcom about life in a teacher's lounge in the 1970's.  I might be on to something!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lake View

It's morning.  I'm setting out breakfast, looking for gloves, packing a lunch...

Carter says, "Mom, look at the boat on the lake."

Me --  "Yep."

Carter -- "Do you see it mom?  The boat and the lake?"

Me -- "Yeah.  That's nice.  Eat your breakfast."

Carter -- "Can I take a picture of the boat?"

Finally, I really listen to what he is saying.

A boat on a lake?  We are in the middle of the prairie.  There are no lakes for miles.

And so I finally look.

And, this morning God has provided us a view of a lake in the heavens, complete with a cloud boat.

Do you see it?  

Saturday, December 10, 2011


She asked to fall asleep by the glow of the Christmas Tree.  
I'm so thankful for the simple joys this season brings!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Iron? What Iron?

I walked into my laundry room the other day and saw this rack of shirts and was struck by three thoughts:

1.  My husband's style obviously could be described in two words "Blue Plaid"
2.  Maybe I should iron some day.
3.  If I did iron, maybe Cal wouldn't keep telling me he needs to go buy new shirts.  He could add 10 to his wardrobe simply by shopping in the laundry room.

Now, if Cal is reading this, he is likely laughing that the thought of ironing even crossed my mind.  I must admit Cal usually does most of his own ironing.  My pressing skills don't quite meet his standards. I  have always tried my best, but I'll admit, after one comment 15 years ago that I didn't do a good enough job, I haven't tried much since, and he hasn't asked me to.

As for his style -- well, the man can rock the blue plaid shirt.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our Angel

Taryn performed in the Nutcracker Ballet this Christmas Season!  She worked hard and was so excited to perform for all her adoring fans (aka - family).

She did a beautiful job as one of the heavenly hosts.

And couldn't resist a wave!

She has also built a shrine for the nutcracker on our coffee table for the Christmas season, complete with Nutcracker book opened to the "angel" page.  Probably not exactly how I would decorate...but not too bad and pretty sweet.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Teeter Totter

Being a teenage girl carries with it certain emotional ups and downs.  You feel cool/you feel out of it, you are silly/you're too mature, you have the best family in the world/you can't believe you need to associate with these people, you're happy/you're sad, you're interested/you're bored...and on and on.

I must say, so far, Paige seems to be navigating these years relatively smoothly with some highs and lows along the way.  But for the most part we enjoy a spirited girl who isn't too grown-up to jump on a teeter totter with her mom...

... and laugh her head off.

(Paige said she had never been on a teeter totter until now.  Ohhhh...the fun our kids have missed out on!  I vote to throw safety to the wind and bring back the old-fashioned playground toys!)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Remembering to Give Thanks!

I am thankful for:

A golden turkey that was cooked by my mom and carved by my man!
Family that visits from far away! 
 Three wonderful children who can all cut their own food!
Stories told over meals.
A bountiful feast!
Pumpkin Pie!
 A grandmother's love.
A new nephew due to arrive on Christmas!
Relationship of father and daughter. 
 The women in my life and beautiful weather to enjoy!
The Glory of God in the heavens.
A warm home filled with family!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Drop of Golden Sun

Rae = A drop of golden sun

Taryn came home from school very excited because they sang the song Doe, A Deer in music class and she discovered that Rae (her middle name) means "a drop of golden sun."  I think she has always felt a little left out because she wasn't named after anyone.  Paige Lynae is named after my middle name of Lynn.  Carter Robert is named after his grandpa Robert.  We had no story to go along with Rae until now.  She told everyone in music class that her middle name was Rae, like in the song, and a boy in her class said "Taryn, you are just like a drop of golden sun."  What's more perfect than that?  

She certainly brightens our life!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Celebrating Life

Carter and Grandma in 2001

Great-Grandma Marian passed away this week at the age of 91.  Her funeral was Saturday morning.

Our son Carter turned 11 years old on Sunday.

And so, we celebrated life in two very distinct ways.  A funeral on the one hand, and a birthday party on the other.

One event brought tears as we said good-bye to such a dear lady.

The other, laughter, as we welcomed another year of life for our pre-teen boy.

And while different, these events celebrate the same thing....the gift of life from our heavenly Father and His faithfulness to all generations.

Grandma was the last of her generation.  Her husband, siblings, brother's and sister's in-law, all have gone on before her.  She also buried all three of her sons during her life-time...leaving behind her only daughter.  She was a woman of remarkable strength.  Continuing to live life with an optimistic outlook.  God was faithful despite her losses.  I will miss her greatly, but am thankful for the many years of her life I was privileged to share.

On Carter's birthday, we celebrated the gift of his life and I gave thanks for the 11 years so far that I've been able to love him and enjoy him.

Psalm 103 was read at Grandma's funeral.  Verse 17 says "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children."

Praise be to God!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Savoring the Color

Feasting my eyes on the last of the glorious fall color before winter arrives here in the northern plains, bringing with it a colorless landscape.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Because it's Wednesday

Sometimes life's just more fun as a Sumo Wrestler.

Monday, November 14, 2011

As the Sun Rises...God Speaks

Psalm 19:1-4

The Heaven's declare the glory of God;
   the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
Day after day they pour forth speech; 
   night after night they reveal knowledge. 
They have no speech, they use no words; 
   no sound is heard from them. 
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, 
   their words to the ends of the world. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Here's what to do with Rotting Pumpkins

Target Practice!

I think Carter was hoping for a little more exploding action...but it was good practice trying to shoot the little pellets into the shriveled eyes and mouth.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Fruit of my Labor

My garden produced more tomatoes than I could have imagined this summer.  It is November and I am still dealing with all the fruit.  This is a good problem to have.  We have loved them fresh and we haven't been without fresh salsa for 4 months now.  I have also frozen enough to use for soup and chili through the winter.  And I learned to make a wonderful Roasted Tomato and Balsamic Spaghetti Sauce.  Oh yeah -- I'm a regular old Martha Stewart and  I have the pictures to prove it! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

To Bless the Busy Moms

I share this picture only as my way of encouraging all the busy moms who are perhaps feeling like their house is a mess and they can't quite get on top of it you know...YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

Does anyone else have dust so thick their children are leaving them messages in it? (Perhaps I am alone in this :)) .  Oh well...I'm doing the best I can.