Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Invasion of the Giant Dragonflies

The title of this entry might lead you to believe that I have taken up science fiction writing, but that is not the case.  I am actually reporting on the real-life happenings of our quiet neighborhood and I have pictures to prove it. 

At first we were all a bit disgusted and slightly scared by the swarms of dragonflies above our heads.  But our fear soon turned to fascination as we realized they weren't going touch us.  I have no idea what caused this short lived invasion. Someone suggested that after all the rain we've had which has caused an increase in our mosquito population, they came to eat the mosquitoes. That could be...but they sure left a lot of mosquitoes behind!!  The mammoth insects started arriving around 5:00 pm and then left by dusk as quietly as they came.

It turned into quite a spectacle -- neighbor kids running around with any net they could find trying to catch these insect beasts.  There were huge fishing nets flying about and Carter created some bug catching contraption from a small minnow net attached to a long stick in order to achieve optimum height and swing.  They were so thick in the sky that one of the neighbor girls just threw up a rock into the air and knocked a dragon down.  Us parents stood in our driveways hypothesizing about where these huge bugs came from and asking "have you ever seen anything like it?"  It obviously doesn't take much to get us excited.

I'm not sure these pictures capture the massive quantities of bugs, but now you will see what we do for fun around these parts!

Here is what the invaders looked like. (You couldn't pay me enough to touch that!)

Here is what the sky looked like:

A few of our mighty warriors:

1 comment:

  1. Jen: I am sure nobody enjoyedthe invasionmore than Carter.
