Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Good Morning Moment

This morning was still a whirlwind, but it had a beautiful moment that I wanted to share and remember.

Cal just returned from a trip late last night and so the kids were excited to see him this morning.  Taryn was sitting on his lap telling him a story and I thought it was cool how the sunlight caught her ponytail -- so I snapped this picture.

However, what I like most about the picture is not the sun on her pony, but how it captures a girl happy to see her dad. 


  1. Beautiful moment indeed! Where did you two go?

  2. Tried emailing you...but it didn't go through. We got LOTS of air time on the Today Show!! It was SO MUCH fun!!! There was a link to their website where you could see us online, but I'm not sure it's still was "saying goodbye to Grouse Mtn"...I was right next to Ann! much fun!
