Monday, April 6, 2009

Where do I Go?

My dear friend unknowingly gave me some real clarity a while back about how far I've come from my "perfect mom" picture.

We were helping in our daughters' preschool class during their “Harvest” party. The teacher had three "stations" set up for the parents to help at – making pumpkin pancakes, a pumpkin craft, and pumpkin carving. My friend says to me jokingly “Where are you going to go Jen – you don’t like to cook, you don't like crafts, and you’re not so good with a knife." (Little story about a trip to the emergency room after stabbing my hand while carving my hard-as-a-rock rice krispy bars out of a pan.)

Oh well. Taryn was thrilled I was there.

And just so you know -- I helped with the pumpkin pancakes and they were darn tastey!

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