Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One month in...

So, it's already February!!  I figure this is a good time to look at the list of items that I was inspired to commit to at the beginning of the 2011.  As we began the new year my resolutions seemed to fall into 2 categories....some big picture attitude and outlook adjustments, and some very tiny, but hopefully attainable items that will make me feel more on top of things.  

Here are three very small organizational things I am trying to commit to.
  1. Put my hair-dryer away each morning.  I don't know why it is such a bother for me to throw it in the drawer when I am done with it.  It's like I'd rather spend the rest of the day tripping over the cord.  So far I'm doing pretty good on this one! Yeah me!
  2. Go to bed with a clean kitchen sink.  I know how it kills some people to go to bed with dirty dishes.  Never been much of a problem for me.  However, I do think I would start the day feeling more on top of things, if I wasn't greeted by a sink full of dishes.  I'm not doing too bad here either for 2011.
  3. Get up and shower before I get the kids up each morning.  I've been in the habit of showering after they head off to school, but I'm finding this wastes a lot of my day.  I know I just need to get up earlier.  Moderate success here -- it is just too hard to leave the warmth of my bed on these frigid mornings.
Now for some of my bigger picture items.  (It's actually good that I am reclaiming these a month into the year lest I forget what I determined to do.)

  1. Celebrate the small victories -- such as each time I choose to smile at my kids and let something pass rather than over react.  I know I'm not going to respond with patience all the time, but I'll keep trying and celebrate each moment I do.
  2. Start concentrating on what I can do for someone else (my husband, my kids, my friends) rather than what I wish they were doing for me.  In other words -- stop looking at what I can get and rather what I can give.
  3. At least once a day -- actually look at my children while they are talking to me and give them my full attention.  (Again -- small goal..."once a day".  Am I pathetic?)
  4. Don't let self-doubt keep me from trying something new.
  5. Become a better listener.   I was watching a training video at the beginning of the year and it talked about how people who are bad listeners are so anxious to make their own point that they are usually just waiting for their turn to talk rather than listening to the one they are with and are actually having a conversation with themselves in their own head.  Sadly, I thought..."I do that."  So again with the small goal...I would like to be more self-aware and catch myself during one of those internal conversations and turn it off and really listen. 
  6. Embrace our hectic life-style.  Life is simply busy, it's where we are at right now and it's what we have chosen.  So rather than complain I'm choosing to enjoy!
  7. Accept the unpredictable.  Never plan to have a regular schedule or accomplish something on a regular basis.
  8. Live a life "full of grace and truth."  No small task here.  I pray that with God's help each passing year will bring me closer to living this out.
So there you have the big and the small of it.  My recipe for a few steps in becoming the more attentive, content, organized, happy Jen!